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Meloni X Melo
Graduated´s Shiai in the 16º Brazilian Tournament by Kobudô Teams
Saturday, 30rd December 2017
Last training of the year at Vila Mariana Dojo, Nikkyoji Temple, Sao Paulo!
The Niten"s collaboration in the traditional New Year"s Moti! The Motitsuki!
César X Meloni
Shiai de Graduados in the 16º Brazilian Tournament by Teams of Kobudô
"Sensei asked me to be more energetic with the other women and this is disturbing
After the training, we returned to the ADM where I received a somewhat unusual mission from Sensei: to cut the hair. It is not required of women to have short hair for the Shugyo (spiritual retreat with Sensei), it is only required to keep it tied. I"ve never had a problem with haircuts, I actually have fun doing it, my problem has always been to do something in my hair in order (or opinion) of someone else. And here"s a problem of mine that was never challenged after my pre-adolescence. Although I did not even hesitate to say, "Hai!" (Yes, sir!), I confess that while the hairdresser did her work, I felt very strange, not really sure what I was feeling.
Until I came back to ADM, take a shower and just need to settle my hair on the next day, I realized that Sensei only freed me from another distraction.
The rest of the day was dedicated to the organization of my days, belongings and accommodation." Thais Boeira - Niten Porto Alegre
If you do not know what you want, do not look for me
You must be ready to "die," if you come to the Shugyo
"Yoroshiku Onegai shimasu!
I went to Shugyo (spiritual retreat with Sensei) thinking that I would understand
On the first day, the senpais told me to "not be flustered when I received an order" and early in the first meetings with Sensei, he told me to smile more. I took a "men" in my spirit after receiving these teachings, which will help me a lot in my daily life, especially now that I will enter the internship, at which stage I"ll need a good communication and a good patient-doctor relationship.
The everyday routine of waking up very early, performing many tasks throughout the day makes us realize how accommodated we are and how we waste so much time on useless things and fail to do the important tasks of our home, to interact and to be careful for those with whom we care. In addition, I realized that even having an extremely exhausting day, not only is it possible to have a lot of energy for an intense workout as it is possible to keep this energy until the end.
There is no way to totally translate into words how it is or what happens during the Shugyo, but in trying to do so, I had a bit of nostalgia for everything that has happened, even the most tiresome and unpleasant tasks, since I noticed how was given the evolution and learning, mainly because for being close to Sensei, who with few words and glances, realizes who we are, and what we need to improve, not only on the Way but to be happier. This happens only in Niten, a way in which focus is not the technique nor to be better than anyone, but a way in which those around you want you to be a better and happier person through the katas and ways we learn in everyday life.
Although sad to leave, I go home very grateful and very happy, with experiences that marked me deeply; for the understanding of the way and of my person, with a sense of duty fulfilled, but still with so much to learn and understand in order to be much better for the next time I return ...
Domo Arigatou Gozaimashitá to Sensei for allowing us this experience.
Domo Arigatou Gozaimashitá to Senpais who helped me so much during the Shugyo.
Domo Arigatou Gozaimashitá to all those who gave me the conditions so I could do a shugyo.
Sayounará Arigatou Gozaimashitá!" - Müller (Porto Alegre unit)
"... Last days - "Without a dream, a strong will and perseverance no objective is achieved"
This was the lesson he learned from the old masters. And this is exactly what brought us here. Sensei"s dream of creating a unique institute that would not only teach the ancient martial art of sword but also the Samurai culture, tradition and other values that had been long forgotten, even in Japan.
Teaching fine art for elevated spirits...
Niten is here to stay. And grow !" - Barreto (São Paulo)
Going out for adrenaline
I"ll mess with you!
Crew of the Galaxies
Here is the power of the future!
Go West
Day dreams in Colorado: Sekigahara in the snow
Day dreams in Colorado: The Blue Lake (frozen)
How to launch a Revolution: Taking Courage and Determinatio
Breathing the sublime Garden of Gods
It"s a lot of people...
We"ve been there: Colorado Rocky Mountain Park
Judo, Jiujitsu and Niten: together in the same boat
It"s a magic thing: the tip is gone!
Boulder (Denver): the important thing is not to stop
"Orientals, look at the flag: Uruguay at the Pan
Niten: Argentines, Uruguayans and Americans united in one feeling
Magic moment: The meeting between warriors
The blessed Sword of the Garden of Gods
We dream big!