Jojutsu, 13º TBEK (Torneio Brasileiro por Equipe de Kobudo)
The Art of the Staff exercises body and mind, bringing balance and quality of life
By ADM Niten
Jô, a wooden staff of 1,28m. The samurai turned this seemingly simple object in one of the most comprehensive weapons of his repertoire.
Jojutsu is a physical activity that stimulates the interaction between the training partners of various degrees. Technical development occurs naturally with integrated exercises between new and experienced students, adaptable and low impact rhythm and gentle to the body, especially to the joints.
Today, the Jojutsu, the art of fighting with the Jôis practiced widely, bringing health, fitness and a warrior`s disposition for people of all ages. Jojutsu emerged as an alternative for the Samurai to overcome opponents with swords and other weapons without killing them. For enabling victory without needless bloodshed, the Jojutsu became known as "The Samurai Art of Peace".
The practice develops a fighting spirit, sharpens perception, improves motor coordination and the quality of life. Each student can practice at their own pace. In time, physical improvements and spiritual self-awarness will come.
You can watch the behind the scenes video of the "Alternative Health" program by Gnt TV Channel and see the presenter Cynthia Howllet`s impressions of her first Jojutsu class.
Shindo Muso Ryu The Shindo Muso Ryu is the main school practiced in our Jojutsu classes. Founded by the Samurai called Muso Gonnosuke Katsuyoshi about 400 years ago. "They say Muso Gonosuke requested a duel with the unbeatable Samurai Miyamoto Musashi, challenging him with a sword. In this duel, the two faced off with white oak wooden swords, and Gonosuke was summarily defeated. Months passed and suddenly, in one of his nights of intense training (shugyo), Gonosuke sees in a dream the way to beat Musashi. The gods nodded in the dream that a stick just like the staff (jo) of 1.28m in length and 2.4cm in diameter, would be the ideal weapon to beat Musashi. Again, after intense training, he asked for a rematch, which was granted. Musashi used his trademark technique with two swords (Nito Jodan). Gonosuke lunged for a massive attack, making Musashi retreat and then proceed to a counter strike, but Musashi was surprised by a staff strike in his abdomen, accepting defeat. And from this duel, it was born the Shindo Muso Ryu Jojutsu."
In our classes we also practice Goshinjutsu techniques. - The Kobudo arts, be the Kenjutsu, Jojutsu, Iaijutsu or any other that we practice in Niten, have Goshin aplications. "Go" means Defence, and "shin" means Body. This can be translated as Body Defence (Self Defence). The Kobudo arts in Niten offer techniques that were useful in the battlefields in Samurai times.
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